Thursday, September 30, 2004
Waco Wild West Century - Ride Report
What a night, then a day - especially for my good friend Escher. Last night started out easily enough with calm winds and warm temps, but the weather soured not too long after dark as a hard cold-front blew in, bringing winds with gusts to 41 knots and more than 3 inches of rain during the night. Escher & Imelda's new tent from Winnebago did not fare well and was filled with water by morning - they "slept" in the car with Astro, my god-dog, but Escher only logged about an hours-worth of shuteye.
The next morning was cold and rainy and windy. Escher and I jumped in my jeep and drove to Waco. On arrival, with Escher snoring with less enthusiasm about riding, I went out and looked around for the others. There were plenty of people on bikes with a light rain and blustery skies. Encouraging - but how do they know the weather wil improve? I returned to wake Escher and ready the bikes. After about an hour of delays the rain finally sputtered, and the ride officially began with Eleanor (my Mom) & Mike, Jimmy, and Mandy. Yolanda and Leslie stayed behind, cheering us on to what would prove an arduous and frustrating ride for several of our group. Escher, Mandy and I contemplated the 50 or 62, but with unpredictable weather and no foul-weather gear we elected to do 25 with Eleanor & Mike and Jimmy.
After a few slow miles Escher decided to go on and promised to wait at the first rest stop. As we arrived there he was fixing a flat. This would proove to be the first, yet not the only problem of the day for Escher. We rolled on from the first rest stop and within a short time Jimmy and Mandy were a good ways ahead of Eleanor and Mike. Escher and I decided to spend the rest of the ride bouncing back and forth among the two parties. We were sprinting down a little roller and soon caught up with Mandy and Jimmy who were side-by-side chatting along. I transitioned to a spot in front of them and waited for Escher to either pass on by at speed or transition as well. He did neither, but stayed on my wheel, and not expecting me to slow turned his head for a moment. Yet it was less than a moment later that he clipped my rear wheel very roughly from the inside. I knew a wreck was likely and wasn't surprised to hear him go down behind me as I stabilized my bike after a rough blow from behind. Then I heard another crash, and on looking back saw Mandy ride handily over Escher's leg, which was on the ground with Escher. One would think Mandy would have fallen as well after running over such an obstruction, yet she was fine - it was Jimmy who had crashed - a hard pull on the front brakes caused a spill next to Escher. Escher was appropriately brushed up with plenty of road rash and an increasingly sensitive shoulder.
His helmet was fiercely cracked, and he spent the rest of the day with cranial disharmony after his involuntary dismount! Jimmy was in much better shape with only a rough knee and a clipped finger from a place on his bar. Other than some shredded bar wrap the bikes were okay. After Eleanor and Mike arrived we had a good laugh and on we rode - Eleanor keeping up a relatively (and surprisingly) fast pace with Escher as they lead us on through the last 7 miles or so to Waco. Yet Escher would have another flat. It was Mandy, who with a full cabinet of pharmaceuticals and bike repair parts (all miraculously organized in a small tool pouch - how does she do that?), who would come to the rescue with an extra tube, and which Escher punctured in the haze of increasing concussion and shock. Exasperated, he might have considerded SAG had it come along, yet with encouragement and the timely arrival of a Rider Assistant that he was soon underway. The remainder of the ride was fortunately uneventful. The skies had cleared, it was breezy and cool - a perfect day for a ride.
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This is at 8:51 PM - skies clear, temp 27C, dewpoint 19 C - winds light from the east
One hour later - light rain with visibility unchanged at 10 miles.
9:52 PM: Now with thunderstorms, cloud cover is broken at 5500 feet - lightning distant and visible from all quadrants. Winds still moderate at 7 knots from the east-southeast.
Here's an update at 10:19 PM - visibility down to 2 miles with heavy rain and thunderstorms with winds from 220 at 21 knots gusting to 36 knots!
Another update at 10:23 PM. Conditions deteriorating - winds now from the west at 8 gusting 36 knots with visibility down to 1.25 miles, heavy rain, thunderstorms, mist, brkoen clouds at 2900, overcast 5500 - lightning all over the place.
10:38 PM - more of the same with cloud bases lowering more, now down to 1600 and 3400 overcast.
1051PM Heavy rain ending - still rain though and thnuderstorms. Winds calm! Lightning still all around, but distant now.
11:12 PM - light rain, thunderstorms in the vicinity - layer of scattered clouds at 3300 feet and overcast 10,000 feet. Lightning distant through all quadrants. Visibility 10 miles.
Twenty minutes later - winds 17 knots gusting 22 knots, visibility down again to two and half miles. Broken layers at 2500 and few clouds at 600 feet.
1141 PM: heavy rain, thunderstorms, visibility 3/4 miles with mist and winds 16 gusting 22 knots.
1151 PM: winds from the northwest at 7 gusting to 21 knots and variable from 300 to 010. Visibility 1/2 mile, heavy rain, thunderstorms, fog, overcast 2700 feet and once again - lighting all over the place!! Pressure rising rapidly.
Midnight - winds calm. Visibility 1 mile with heavy rain and thunderstorms. Pressure falling rapidly. Still lots of lightning. Vertical visibility 600 feet.
1216 AM: vis up to 3 miles now with heavy rain and storms with lightning.
1230AM: winds picking up again - now from the southeast at 11 knots, visibility 4 miles in heavy rain and mist with thundertsorms and lightning all quadrants.
1240 AM: Still lotsa lightning, but winds down to 4 knots fromt he south. Light rain and thunderstroms.
1251 AM: Winds variable at 4 knots, visibility 10 miles, thunderstorms, lightning distant through all quadrants.
0205 AM: An hour later - light rain winds easterly 8 knots. Lightning distant moving from the northeast to the south. Thunderstorms ending at 152AM.
425 AM: winds north 5 knots, thunderstorms, lightning distant all quads.
751 AM: Winds from the NNE at 10 knots, light rain.
0851 AM: Rain finally ended at 8:09 AM. Winds 6 knots and northeasterly, cloudy skies, tmp 19C, dewpoint 17C.